Saturday, June 6, 2009


Today we received registration confirmation from Little Hands, the pre-school that Keagan will attend next fall. After reading the letter, I told Keagan the good news, and then made the off-hand remark that he will also need to get a shot. While just a few minutes ago there had been laughing, joking, and smiling faces at the kitchen table, there was now complete silence. I looked over my shoulder and saw big tears rolling down Keagan's cheeks, and then he began sobbing, more like yelling, "No! No!" I tried to reassure him that it was just a shot; Evan had the same shot last summer. Even Evan tried to tell him that it was no big deal. The shot only hurt a little bit. I dried the tears on his face that now dripped down the front of his shirt, and he composed himself long enough to say, "Well, just tell me. How big is the gun?"

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