Monday, June 29, 2009

Disney World

Loaded with a sack full of meds, our entire kitchen of snack foods, swim gear, backpacks full of toys, DVD player and movies, and oh yeah, our clothes, we made the long drive to Florida. It was a fairly easy drive, even for the the boys, and here are the highlights of our week long stay at Disney World.

1. The meal plan is a must. It saved us tons of money and I didn't have to fret about buying yet another drink when the boys became hot and tired. However, do heed the advice of reserving dinners prior to arrival because a nice sit down dinner is hard to find at any park. We spent countless hours trying to find a place to eat dinner. 

2. If I had a little girl, Magic Kingdom would be the place to go for a princess make-over, but my two boys didn't even want to look at the castle. However, they loved the Buzz Lightyear Ride. I remember riding the Great Mountain Railroad as a kid and it was just as fun as an adult. Yes, we did see Mickey Mouse. We have the pic to prove it. And prior to the ride "Scary Adventures of Snow White", I do not think my boys had heard the story of Snow White, the wicked witch, and the poisonous apple. The apple part of the story was intriguing to the boys. Now all imaginative play includes a poisonous apple.

3. Epcot was by far the best park for all four of us. Mission to Mars was the best ride, according to Evan. Unfortunately, Keagan and I couldn't ride it. The lunch at the German Beer Hall was the best meal we had. We also loved the ride Test Track! Who wouldn't want to go 60 mph around a curve in a race car?

4. Hollywood Studios was a great park for the boys because they were able to meet lots of characters with really short lines. We sang the theme song to Power Rangers for half the day. Evan trained with the Jedi Master and is now an official Padawan. This was the best part of the trip for him.

5. We loved, loved, loved Animal Kingdom and the safari ride. The boys really liked the show "It's Tough to be a Bug" because they were squirted with water and had electronic bugs crawl around their backs. The Tree of Life is amazing with the etching of hundreds of animals.

6. Shamu is big, real big, and he can splash huge waves of water into the audience, much to the boys delight.

7. There is no way to have a good hair day in Florida. The humidity and frequent rain showers make this impossible.

Now for a vacation from our vacation...We are headed to the beach!

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