Tuesday, June 16, 2009

End of Year Soccer Party

Evan's team celebrated another undefeated season tonight with dinner at Fuddrucker's and with the presentation of trophies. It has been a tradition that we meet here for burgers and video games. The boys love it and the parents are still able to enjoy good food. I think it is unusual that competitive parents, and we are all that, get along so well and really have the best interests of all kids in mind. We all have very different lives, but we think of one another as family and treat each other as such. I have said this many times, but we are truly blessed to be a part of this soccer team. At the end of each season our boys are taking more than the game of soccer with them, and as a result, we continue to endure the hectic Sundays of leaving the house at 9:00 AM with a cooler of food, a gym bag stuffed with cleats, and blankets/sunscreen depending on the weather only to return home at 4:30 with red faces, a cooler looking to be emptied and cleaned, and a load of wash to be done.

This year I had the spouse of a guy from Wes's unit make a cake that would highlight our successful season. She created this cake with a 3-D soccer ball. It not only looked fantastic but it tasted great, too. This will definitely be an addition to our seasonal parties.

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