Saturday, April 25, 2009

Surprise Visit!

Wes's Uncle Drew and Aunt Kay surprised us this week by calling us while in DC on vacation. We had them over for dinner on Tuesday night, and they surprised the boys with bags of marbles.

I have to admit that I cringed when I saw the marbles. I instantly knew that they would not remain in the leather pouch in which they were so nicely organized. I immediately had images of clogged vaccuums, cries over lost marbles, and fights over cat-eyes. And even worse than I had imagined I awoke this morning to a bag of thirty marbles falling and spilling over hard wood floors. "Oh, Dear God!" I wailed.

In the two days that we have had the marbles, the boys have created several games - some with multiple levels for advancement - and we have learned that Wes was once the "marble champion" of his elementary school. Due to my lack of skills in this area, I am not invited to participate, and as I watch them play, I think that maybe the "narbles" aren't all that bad.

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