Sunday, April 19, 2009

Soccer Week #2

At today's game, Team United played its toughest competition. However, they were able to come out on top. Evan scored two goals in the first quarter and had a couple of assists. He was motivated to do well because his best friend from school, Charlie, was on the opposing team, and he couldn't go to school tomorrow with anyone knowing Charlie had one up on him. :)

Keagan's game was just as exciting; he scored six or seven goals. I lost count in the third quarter. His toughest competition was a boy about the size of Evan claiming to be 4. He was big and Keagan was intimidated by him at first. However, the big boy didn't have Keagan's speed and Keagan was able to outrun him to score. Big Boy didn't like this too much and tried to bring Keagan to the ground several times by grabbing his shirt. No worries; Keagan took care of himself on the field with elbow or two, and if that had not been sufficient, Evan was just about ready to deck Big Boy. As bad as that scenario could have been, should it have been played out, I couldn't help feeling proud of Evan so ready to take up for his little brother.

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