Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Soccer

The long awaited start to spring soccer season has finally arrived! This year PWSI opened its doors to a new age group, U4. As a result, Keagan is finally able to play, and play he did. 

As most people know, Keagan is fast - especially for his age and size. So while the opposing team players and Keagan's own teammates picked flowers and watched the birds fly by, Keagan was running to the goal with the ball, and those that weren't picking flowers or watching birds fly were left in the dust. He scored a goal in quarter two and would have scored more if he was a little more accurate. In quarter four he was back on the field, and although he didn't score, he was still fast and turning the ball really well. 

However, I think that Wes and I were most impressed with the encouragement he gave his teammates. When Ella didn't want to play, Keagan put his hand on her shoulder and tried to coax her on the field. When Tori got hit with the ball and started to cry, Keagan gave her a hug and told her it would be okay. When the game was over and our team celebrated the win, Keagan was the first to walk to the sidelines to shake the gray teams' hands. 
After the game, I asked Keagan what the best part of the day was, and he replied, "Scoring a point, Mom!" So we can't deny his competitive nature or that he is really out on the field to win.

If Keagan is playing soccer, then you can bet Evan is, too. Team United had another strong start to the season. In quarter one I had already lost count of the score. We played with only three players to try to even out the score, but it was to no avail. The only point the Yellow Bees scored was a point that our coach allowed in the second quarter.

As we arrive home with sunburns and a desire for a good long nap, we can't help but feel proud of our two soccer stars! Does it get any better than this? I can't imagine spending a Sunday afternoon doing anything but this.

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