Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Egg Roll

Wow! What an event! Today's White House Easter Egg Roll was one of the most unorganized events that I have ever attended. Thank goodness we were in the second group because by the time we left, the wait time to enter the security gates had extended to four or more hours. Despite the crowds, I am really thankful that we had the opportunity to experience the event. Even though I am not a registered Democrat, it is exciting to experience any event surrounding the White House with such a historic presidency. 

We participated in the most popular activity first; the boys rolled eggs on the White House Lawn. At first, not understanding it was a rolling contest, Evan ran to the finish line with the egg in his spoon. He was given a second chance, and he went back to the start line and raced me to the finish. This time he shot the egg across the finish line as if he were playing lacrosse. Keagan's egg crossed into the next lane and his opponent stepped on his egg. He was in tears, and by the time we exited this exhibit, both boys were in tears. Ugh! 

Next, we hunted Easter eggs. The boys said it was too easy, but they were delighted to both have found eggs. We had no luck in finding any special eggs with prize money attached, but one little girl in the group before us did, and her whole family ran across the lawn letting everyone know about it.

Last, we took pics with various characters from Nick and PBS. 
Along the way we saw Michelle Obama and her girls; they were literally steps from us. Mrs. Biden made a short appearance, and Wes saw various generals and National Security Advisors pushing their kids and grandchildren in strollers along the lawn. We listened to Fergie and Imagination Movers perform on stage, and we took advantage of the photo op in front of the White House. 

By this time, all three boys were hungry (no surprise there!), and we made a bee-line to the exit to pick up our White House eggs. We did it, and I am thankful that we were able to go, but I think that I will be okay with skipping the event next year.

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