Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day

We left school on Friday and no one was predicting anything like the snow fall we received last night. When the Friday night forecasts called for ten inches of snow on Sunday, we all laughed. But the laugh was on us because this morning the boys and I awoke to 7.5 inches of snow (measured on our deck) and it is still snowing. I fed the boys and decided to curl up in bed with a book. Ten minutes later I was back asleep only to be awakened a short time later with, "Mom, where are the snow suits?" After we geared up in snow suits, boots, and gloves, we grabbed the sled and headed for the hills. Evan will not even consider sledding the slope in the front yard; he has moved on to bigger and better hills. Today we hit the golf course slope in the backyard. Now that is fun! Back inside we warmed up with cups of hot chocolate and bowls of soup. All of this and it is only 10:30!

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