Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Week with Family

Having my sister and her family at our house for the week was great; so much so that I thought for sure they needed to plan to return next spring break. However, my fourteen year old nephew quickly informed me that next year he would be going to the beach for spring break. I guess staying at Aunt Kacey's wasn't nearly as much fun for him! :) Here are my favorite moments.

1. Mallory and Evan playing peek-a-boo at the dining room table. We were all in stitches watching the two interact.
2. Keagan offering to hold "my baby sister Mallory." Oh, how he wishes he could be a big brother!
3. Sword fights, Bakugan battles, wrestling matches, and the like among the boys. This included my BIL Jamie. I am still finding Bakugan balls in the drawers around the house.
4. Playing hookie from work and spending Friday in DC site seeing. Such a relief to be able to visit the Arlington National Cemetery without worrying that my two boys will play hide-n-seek between the tombstones.
5. Answering all of my nephew's questions about DC, the military, the Holocaust and everything in between. I wish I had the answers to all of his questions.

I miss them already!

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