Thursday, March 5, 2009

He Said It

Last night we had fried chicken for dinner. We rarely eat fried chicken, and with every other meal I am constantly telling the boys to "use a fork" or "don't eat like an animal!" Keagan picked up his chicken leg, rolled it around a couple of times, and asked, " do you use a fork with this?" I said you don't. He then asked, "A spoon?????" I said no again and I suggested he eat it with his hands. He looked at me with a bewildered look and said, "With my hands??? You mean I can eat like an animal?"

After a trip to the commissary yesterday afternoon, I returned with two flavors of icecream: cookies n cream and fudge swirl. There was much debate as to which one Keagan would choose after dinner. When his dinner was finally done, he announced, "I think I will have some squirrel icecream now." If this wasn't funny enough, he then said, "Or was it chipmunk?"

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