Tuesday, March 17, 2009

When I Grow Up

Evan must report to his class what he plans to be when he grows up. He has stated repeatedly that he wants to be a football player. His fascination with the sport was first noted when he was twenty months old and he watched the movie "Rudy" a thousand times that year. He was able to model a three point stance while sucking on a pacifier. As he got older, he never deviated from his love for the sport. Even though he plays soccer, plays it well, and plays it with lots of passion, he is very upfront that football is his preferred sport. I know that when we finally allow him to play pee-wee football, my weekends spent on the soccer field will be over. I will be pushed to the stands, and I will still be "that mom" with spirit gear and play calls. Let's just hope we are back in Texas because if we are going to play football we have to play it Texas style.

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