Thursday, March 26, 2009

He Said It

Keagan has weekly Spanish lessons at pre-school. He asked me tonight, "Mom do you know what cortizone is?" 
No, what? 
"Heart! Don't you know that? Cortizone means heart!" (The Spanish word is really corazon.)

"Mom, do you want to play narbles with me?" (His word for marbles.)

"Mason, don't forget to invite me to your house this weekend. I will play your Batman game with you and beat you!"

The weather forecast for the week calls for lightening. Upon seeing the picture of the lightenig bolt, Keagan says, "Oh, no! I am NOT ready for that!"

"Mom, I keep having nightmirrors." (Nightmares)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Week with Family

Having my sister and her family at our house for the week was great; so much so that I thought for sure they needed to plan to return next spring break. However, my fourteen year old nephew quickly informed me that next year he would be going to the beach for spring break. I guess staying at Aunt Kacey's wasn't nearly as much fun for him! :) Here are my favorite moments.

1. Mallory and Evan playing peek-a-boo at the dining room table. We were all in stitches watching the two interact.
2. Keagan offering to hold "my baby sister Mallory." Oh, how he wishes he could be a big brother!
3. Sword fights, Bakugan battles, wrestling matches, and the like among the boys. This included my BIL Jamie. I am still finding Bakugan balls in the drawers around the house.
4. Playing hookie from work and spending Friday in DC site seeing. Such a relief to be able to visit the Arlington National Cemetery without worrying that my two boys will play hide-n-seek between the tombstones.
5. Answering all of my nephew's questions about DC, the military, the Holocaust and everything in between. I wish I had the answers to all of his questions.

I miss them already!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

When I Grow Up

Evan must report to his class what he plans to be when he grows up. He has stated repeatedly that he wants to be a football player. His fascination with the sport was first noted when he was twenty months old and he watched the movie "Rudy" a thousand times that year. He was able to model a three point stance while sucking on a pacifier. As he got older, he never deviated from his love for the sport. Even though he plays soccer, plays it well, and plays it with lots of passion, he is very upfront that football is his preferred sport. I know that when we finally allow him to play pee-wee football, my weekends spent on the soccer field will be over. I will be pushed to the stands, and I will still be "that mom" with spirit gear and play calls. Let's just hope we are back in Texas because if we are going to play football we have to play it Texas style.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Family Visit

My sister and her family flew in from Texas this past weekend, and they are spending the week with us. While we are at work/school, they plan to go skiing and take in the sites in the city. The boys love to wrestle, shoot guns, and play football with their Uncle Jamie and Cousin Trevor. It has been great fun for me to see my niece Mallory again. It didn't take long for Wes to pull out his camera and snap a pic or two. A more formal photo shoot is planned for later in the week....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Night Football

Because it was so warm today, I suggested that the boys play outside. It took only a few minutes for them to decide football was in order. After all we are Texans and it is a Friday night. The game included a pre-game show with a war of words...

Plenty of trash talk

Several "you're dead" looks prior to big tackles

And maybe a break or two

The Superbowl ended early, though, when the Aggies suffered a big injury. Locker room care and lots of TLC were in order. I have already been given instructions to leave the uniforms out. The big game will continue tomorrow. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

He Said It

Last night we had fried chicken for dinner. We rarely eat fried chicken, and with every other meal I am constantly telling the boys to "use a fork" or "don't eat like an animal!" Keagan picked up his chicken leg, rolled it around a couple of times, and asked, " do you use a fork with this?" I said you don't. He then asked, "A spoon?????" I said no again and I suggested he eat it with his hands. He looked at me with a bewildered look and said, "With my hands??? You mean I can eat like an animal?"

After a trip to the commissary yesterday afternoon, I returned with two flavors of icecream: cookies n cream and fudge swirl. There was much debate as to which one Keagan would choose after dinner. When his dinner was finally done, he announced, "I think I will have some squirrel icecream now." If this wasn't funny enough, he then said, "Or was it chipmunk?"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day

We left school on Friday and no one was predicting anything like the snow fall we received last night. When the Friday night forecasts called for ten inches of snow on Sunday, we all laughed. But the laugh was on us because this morning the boys and I awoke to 7.5 inches of snow (measured on our deck) and it is still snowing. I fed the boys and decided to curl up in bed with a book. Ten minutes later I was back asleep only to be awakened a short time later with, "Mom, where are the snow suits?" After we geared up in snow suits, boots, and gloves, we grabbed the sled and headed for the hills. Evan will not even consider sledding the slope in the front yard; he has moved on to bigger and better hills. Today we hit the golf course slope in the backyard. Now that is fun! Back inside we warmed up with cups of hot chocolate and bowls of soup. All of this and it is only 10:30!