Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monster Truck Jam

The boys are bathing with monster truck jam toys. I take that as a sign that today's outing was a hit with them. I must admit that it wasn't as torturous as I first envisioned. First of all, most of the people in attendance were just like us, suburbanites looking for something to do with their young boys. Second of all, those selling Grave Digger t-shirts did not wear mullets or tacky graphic t-shirts. Last, the event did not include any bikini clad women walking around the arena with paper signs. However, I would have preferred a few more crashes, fires, and/or stunts. I could have done without the staged performance involving the four wheelers and the segment of trash talk. 

 As it turns out two families that we are good friends with had tickets for our show time. We caravaned to DC together, attended the pitt party together, and enjoyed an afternoon of family fun. Next time the show comes to town Wes is welcome to take the boys without me. I am certain that I can find something to occupy my time. 

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