Wednesday, January 28, 2009

He Said It

Last night we were watching TV and a commercial for an anti-aging cream played. I didn't pay much attention to it; my mind was hoping for a snow day and wondering how late I would be able to sleep in tomorrow. However, as the commercial ended, Keagan advised, "Mom, I think you should buy that." I asked him why and he said, "Maybe if you buy it those spots on your face will go away." I am rather fond of my freckles and have no desire to have them removed. Now I wonder if I should be concerned that he thinks freckles are a defect or relieved that he doesn't think I need the cream for its actual purpose.

Two days ago we were discussing the possibility of snow. Keagan advised that we should pray about it. So he began with his child-like voice, "Lord!"
Then he answered himself in a very deep voice that was supposedly God's, "Yes."
Child-like voice "Please make it snow tomorrow."
God's reply, "OK."
Then Keagan said, "See! God said it will snow! I can't wait to play in it." 

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