Thursday, January 1, 2009

End of our Trip

Friday is our last full day in Texas. Although I have had a very relaxing time and even though I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with my niece Mallory, my parents are probably looking forward to our departure on Saturday afternoon. After all they are not used to a house with boys, or any of the following scenarios.

1. A thirty minute interval doesn't pass without some wrestling or physical activity. Oma constantly warns, "Be careful. Not so rough."
2. A pair of underwear makes a great slingshot but invariably lands in the toilet.
3. Opa's oversized rain guage makes for the perfect sword, but it also cracks upon contact with concrete.
4. An episode of Spiderman on Jetix provides thirty minutes of quiet, but it also encourages attempts to climb walls, jumps on counters, and slides through windows.
5. A fireplace brush will clean the ashes around the furnace, but it will also spread ashes all over the house when used as a hairbrush.

And all of this happened within hours of our arrival...

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