Friday, December 5, 2008

The Girlfriend

Last night we attended a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese for one of Evan's friends. On his way to work, Wes asked, "So whose birthday is it tonight?" Evan answered, "My girl friend, duh!" This was interesting because although he has mentioned that Kara is his girlfriend, he usually just refers to her as Kara.

Although Kara's mother and I have spoken on the phone and sent emails, we have never met. Upon arriving to Chuck E Cheese, I tried to introduce myself, but before I could get any words out, she said, "Oh! Is this who I think it is? Is this the Evan I hear so much about?" To her teenage daughter she said, "Well, I am glad that she has good taste, and look! He is really tall."

To have an adult size up by six year old baby was a little unnerving. Never mind that I did the same to Kara when I met her back in September in the kindergarten classroom. However, what happened next says it all. A group of five little girls spotted Evan standing at the drink counter, and began to run toward us squealing his name. However, Evan looked right over the group of girls, and spotted his friend Benjamin. With his arms outstretched ready for a big bear hug, he ran right for Benjamin.

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