Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Present

What was my favorite present this holiday season? 

No, it isn't the FLIP camera - even though it is just what I asked for.
No, it isn't the new clothes that I got from my in-laws - even though they are the perfect size.
No, it isn't the necklace that my sister-in-law sent - even though it is beautiful.
It is the plastic, too large for my finger, flashing disco light ring that Evan bought for me.

As a school fundraiser, Evan's elementary school hosted a Secret Santa gift shop. Evan gathered his quarters that he had earned this summer as well as a couple of dollar bills given to him on his birthday and went to school ready to buy a Christmas gift for Wes, Keagan, and me. He said he walked the aisles searching for the perfect gifts. For Keagan he selected a blue stuffy frog that he can carry to bed with him. For Wes he chose a notepad to carry in his suit pocket to write down important numbers. And for me, it was the ring. And as ugly as it is, it is the most precious gift anyone could have given me because it was chosen by Evan and purchased by Evan.

You can be assured that I will wear it proudly and be happy to share the story behind my plastic, too large for my finger, flashing disco light ring that is my most precious Christmas present.

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