Saturday, December 6, 2008

St. Nickolas Was Here

Six years ago, while living in Germany, we were introduced to St. Nickolas Day. We brought the tradition with us when we crossed over the Atlantic and the boys now anxiously await his arrival. St. Nick brings candy and a reminder that you must behave if you wish for him to return on the 24th. This reminder often includes switches or pieces of coal, and all of the goodies, both good and bad, are stuffed into a boot. For the Toole family, an Army issued black boot does the trick.

This morning Evan and Keagan found bubblegum, candy, and a Transformer toy in the boots. Evan, the more sensitive and conscientious of the two, was almost upset to find the coal in his boot. Keagan skipped over it and didn't give it a second thought except to say it looked a lot like a big piece of chocolate.

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