Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lion Heart

Keagan realized just this weekend that Evan is now six. Evan's sixth birthday was 02 NOV, but for the past three weeks Keagan thought that Evan was still five. Keagan actually believed that he would turn five in August and they would then be the same age. On Saturday, he became quite upset when he overheard me tell someone that Evan was now six. He exclaimed, "I will never catch up with him now." Last week Wes had to try to explain to Keagan that he will always be the little brother. Keagan didn't like the idea of always being little so to appease him Wes began to call him Lion Heart; the premise being that although Keagan is in a tiny body, he has the courage and bravery of a big lion. What a great dad! Keagan loves the name and proudly says that he is little but brave like a lion.

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