Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Great Great Grandfather Toole

Evan's school project for November requires us to create a doll wearing traditional dress of a country of his ancestry. Evan was not particulary excited about creating a doll. Ireland was the obvious country of choice and so this afternoon I grabbed as many scrapbook supplies that I could to dress this doll. I, of course, had to do it because what five year old, woops! six year old, can create, cut, and paste authentic Irish clothing? I thought it was a stretch for me! While I cut and pasted, I tried to relay the story of the Irish potato famine and the need for so many Irish people to flee to America. We discussed the parts of the outfit and their probable uses. (the "man's bag" was used to carry knives, bread and cheese) However, Evan was confused with the most basic part of the project. He asked, "How do you know what my great, great grandfather Toole looked like? He's dead." In the end, Evan added the face and bright red cheeks because "it is cold when you have to fight wars in Ireland." Every young boy envisions ancestors of great valor fighting in great battles, and I didn't argue because the Toole name actually means "mighty" and well, to tell you the truth it is more fun to tell a story that involves a battle with a sword, a castle in ruins, and a man's bag instead of a purse

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