Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ahoy There Mateys

In August I said that nothing could top Keagan's party at Gymboree, but I must say that I think that this weekend's birthday party was just as fun! Evan celebrated his sixth birthday today with a pirate themed party at Dolphin Beach on Lake Montclair. The weather was absolutely beautiful and perfect for an outdoor party. We walked the plank, swabbed the deck, played cannonball pop, hunted for treasure, had a sword fight or two, and ate chocolate cake. Thanks to all of our friends that helped us celebrate.

Keagan continues the trend of wearing costumes for no apparent reason. In this case, the wrong costume. Today he chose to wear SpiderMan. One day I will look back on this and find it so funny.

Campbell taken as prisoner

Zachary and Evan sword fight

Evan marks his treasure

The party goers walk the plank (aka The LifeGuard Chair)

Happy, Happy Birthday

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