Friday, November 21, 2008

He Said It

Last night Evan and I got into bed to read books. I pulled a book off the book shelf for Evan to read and he didn't want to read it because he had already read it to me several times. I told him that by re-reading books to me he becomes a better reader. I proceeded to explain that by doing this he improves his reading fluency, but before I could finish my sentence he said, "The flu! You want me to read this book and get the flu?"

Keagan is totally into Star Wars; I know nothing about any of it. A week ago I heard Keagan exclaim, "Let's go, Evan. Jennifer Grievous is coming!" I didn't think twice about it, and I chased the boys around the house playing the role of "Jennifer." When Wes got home a couple of days later, I was told my role was that of General Grievous, not Jennifer Grievous.

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