Friday, November 28, 2008

O Christmas Tree

Evan LOVES to decorate the Christmas tree. He dutifully helped me bring the Christmas boxes from the basement and helped me unpack and hang every ornament. Of course Keagan preferred to play with the ornaments instead of hanging them, and he has asked at least five times today, "When it's Christmas?" The excitement and anticipation of the Christmas holiday begin.

The Wonder of Christmas

I cannot take credit. Wes took both of these tonight. I think they encapsulate what I tried to articulate in my last post.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thirty four...
That's the number of people who accepted our invitation for Thanksgiving lunch. Wes was up at 4:00 this morning to get the fire started on the smoker, and it was the best turkey I have ever eaten! I guess the others enjoyed it, too, because there are no left-overs.

Evan has anticipated this day for weeks now, not for food but for the "marathon" football game he had planned in the backyard. The boys played for hours, and when the last guests walked out the door, all three of my boys fell fast asleep.

Many thanks to all of our wonderful friends for spending the day with us! We are looking forward to hosting Thanksgiving lunch in November '09 already!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cupcakes for Thanksgiving

My mom found this idea in a magazine and sent it to me last week. It's Turkey Cupcakes for Thanksgiving.

The boys were super excited about putting these together. It was perfect timing when another friend posted a recipe for yellow cake on her blog. The boys and I made the cake with her recipe, decorated the cupcakes with chocolate icing, and began the finishing touches. 

However, once the second turkey was complete, the boys ran. They realized the hardwork in adding eyes, beaks, noses, and feet to eighteen turkeys. I was left with the work all the time lamenting that if we had friends with fewer children it would make the entire process much easier. All eighteen are done, minus feet because that was just too much for my patience level to endure. Let's hope they taste good!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lion Heart

Keagan realized just this weekend that Evan is now six. Evan's sixth birthday was 02 NOV, but for the past three weeks Keagan thought that Evan was still five. Keagan actually believed that he would turn five in August and they would then be the same age. On Saturday, he became quite upset when he overheard me tell someone that Evan was now six. He exclaimed, "I will never catch up with him now." Last week Wes had to try to explain to Keagan that he will always be the little brother. Keagan didn't like the idea of always being little so to appease him Wes began to call him Lion Heart; the premise being that although Keagan is in a tiny body, he has the courage and bravery of a big lion. What a great dad! Keagan loves the name and proudly says that he is little but brave like a lion.

Friday, November 21, 2008

He Said It

Last night Evan and I got into bed to read books. I pulled a book off the book shelf for Evan to read and he didn't want to read it because he had already read it to me several times. I told him that by re-reading books to me he becomes a better reader. I proceeded to explain that by doing this he improves his reading fluency, but before I could finish my sentence he said, "The flu! You want me to read this book and get the flu?"

Keagan is totally into Star Wars; I know nothing about any of it. A week ago I heard Keagan exclaim, "Let's go, Evan. Jennifer Grievous is coming!" I didn't think twice about it, and I chased the boys around the house playing the role of "Jennifer." When Wes got home a couple of days later, I was told my role was that of General Grievous, not Jennifer Grievous.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Celebrating United

Tonight we celebrated another undefeated soccer season with dinner at Fuddruckers with Team United. I have said this many times before, but we truly have the best soccer coach! Alex and his wife Stephanie designed t-shirts for the boys with a team picture and a "champion" logo. The boys were thrilled; I think Evan appreciated that more than the trophy. Spring season registration has begun and you can bet that we have requested the same team and the same coach. I must admit that one aspect of our lives that I will miss the most should we really move in June will be the friendships we have established through soccer.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Architecture and Leave Piles

November is a great month if you are a teacher. With a teacher work day, Veteran's Day, half day schedules, and Thanksgiving holidays, the month provides a lot of down time. Today was a holiday for all four of us, so we took the boys to the National Building Museum. Wes went to an event there a while back, and he was reminded of it after my friend Nikki went with her son last week. It might have been more enjoyable if they hadn't been setting up for a weekend event. Crews were everywhere hanging curtains, setting up spot lights, and cleaning the carpets. We were able to visit the Kids' Zone, though, and we did try the treasure hunt for architectural design. I must admit that I learned a few new vocabulary words; Wes says he learned it all in elementary school. It must be tough being so smart! Anyway, the building is spectacular with the ornate columns! 

After lunch, Evan decided he wanted to jump into piles of leaves. Today was the day because Wes promises that I will come home from work tomorrow and see a yard of green grass instead of a layer of brown leaves. So we piled leaves upon piles of leaves for big jumps and lots of fun!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Autumn in Virginia

Every year I am surprised with the brilliancy of the colors of the leaves. Wes took these pics this week when he had a day off.

Dressed Up with Somewhere to Go

This afternoon I took the boys to see the Veggie Tales production, "God Made you Special." Since the venue was a only a five minute drive from our house, I figured it would be a fun way to spend an afternoon. Keagan decided to wear this outfit because he "wanted to be cute." I had to agree.

We were not disappointed with the performance. Evan especially liked the confetti shot from a cannon at the end of the show, and Keagan, well, he danced his way through the first half and then had enough. He is already in bed for the night.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Working From Home

Because of the crowds expected today at school for the election, teachers were allowed to spend today's teacher work day working from home. The boys and I spent the day doing some homework, reading a book or two, swimming at the rec center, and hiking in the tree line behind the house. We had races on the golf course (let's hope the grounds keeper didn't mind), we climbed a few fallen trees, and we slid down muddy inclines into dry creek beds. The rain just made it that much more muddy and fun. I would say it was a great day, and I am looking forward to next week's day at home already!

Great Great Grandfather Toole

Evan's school project for November requires us to create a doll wearing traditional dress of a country of his ancestry. Evan was not particulary excited about creating a doll. Ireland was the obvious country of choice and so this afternoon I grabbed as many scrapbook supplies that I could to dress this doll. I, of course, had to do it because what five year old, woops! six year old, can create, cut, and paste authentic Irish clothing? I thought it was a stretch for me! While I cut and pasted, I tried to relay the story of the Irish potato famine and the need for so many Irish people to flee to America. We discussed the parts of the outfit and their probable uses. (the "man's bag" was used to carry knives, bread and cheese) However, Evan was confused with the most basic part of the project. He asked, "How do you know what my great, great grandfather Toole looked like? He's dead." In the end, Evan added the face and bright red cheeks because "it is cold when you have to fight wars in Ireland." Every young boy envisions ancestors of great valor fighting in great battles, and I didn't argue because the Toole name actually means "mighty" and well, to tell you the truth it is more fun to tell a story that involves a battle with a sword, a castle in ruins, and a man's bag instead of a purse

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Opa and Oma Visit

For the third year, Opa and Oma have flown to Virginia to help us celebrate Evan's birthday. After this afternoon's soccer game, they are headed back to Texas.

While we were taking a shot or two on the deck this morning, Keagan posed for this. 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall Festival

This afternoon we attended the fall festival hosted by Evan's school. The kids were supposed to wear costumes, and you can bet Evan had his costume planned days in advance. There were games, crafts, and food, but I think prepping for the party and pretending to be a pirate was more fun!

Keagan was thrilled to go to "Evan's school", have another chance to wear a costume, AND eat cotton candy. Spidey declared it was  one of the best days EVER!

Ahoy There Mateys

In August I said that nothing could top Keagan's party at Gymboree, but I must say that I think that this weekend's birthday party was just as fun! Evan celebrated his sixth birthday today with a pirate themed party at Dolphin Beach on Lake Montclair. The weather was absolutely beautiful and perfect for an outdoor party. We walked the plank, swabbed the deck, played cannonball pop, hunted for treasure, had a sword fight or two, and ate chocolate cake. Thanks to all of our friends that helped us celebrate.

Keagan continues the trend of wearing costumes for no apparent reason. In this case, the wrong costume. Today he chose to wear SpiderMan. One day I will look back on this and find it so funny.

Campbell taken as prisoner

Zachary and Evan sword fight

Evan marks his treasure

The party goers walk the plank (aka The LifeGuard Chair)

Happy, Happy Birthday

"Uncle Jamie, You're Crazy!"

 Aunt Vikki and Uncle Jamie sent a birthday gift wrapped in about 15 layers, I kid you not. Layers of brown paper, plastic sacks, tissue paper, and anything else they could find. Evan was laughing so hard by layer four that I thought he would have to stop and take a breather. At last, he got to the actual present....the long awaited Star Wars Leapster Game! He likes it so much that he has taken it to bed with him.