Sunday, June 16, 2024

Yoho National Park

We woke up to no snow, so we took the car west to Yoho, a smaller, less popular national park, but it has some highlights all the same. 

Our first stop was the most popular spot in the park, Emerald Lake. We hiked the perimeter of the lake in mud, over logs, through water. It was quite the adventure. When we arrived, it was sprinkling, but after an hour or so long hike, the sun was out and that gave us the beautiful lake colors you see in the pictures.

The canoe rental here is only $90 an hour - the cheapest rate in the area. I would have loved a pic from the bow of a canoe, but that’s one expensive picture. 

The next popular site is just down the road and made for a quick stop - Natural Bridge. 

We took a paved, quick path to Takakkaw Falls, the second tallest waterfall in Canada. 

And we found another set of red chairs. 

On our way back to the village of Field we spotted black bears. The entire trip was made!

We had a delicious lunch at the one restaurant in the village of Field, Truffle Pigs Bistro. I mean this was really good. It’s no wonder people wait three hours to eat here. We arrived back to Canmore with only 20 minutes remaining on our park pass. It’s time to watch some Vol baseball while we wash these muddy clothes and get ready for the trip home. 

What a week! 

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