Friday, June 14, 2024

Banff Day 2

Our first stop today was the Banff Gondola. We woke up to clouds and a sprinkling of rain. I doubted this expensive adventure would be worth my time, but by the time we got up to the top of Sulphur Mountain, the clouds cleared and the sun came out. 

The views were breathtaking. 

Our one hike for the day was Bow River Falls. This was more of a stroll, but as with everything here, just beautiful - especially with the sun shining. 

After lunch we drove to Tunnel Mountain to see the hoodoos, odd rock statues, formed by erosion. These have nothing on the hoodoos found in Bryce Canyon, but we are here for it all. 

If we have learned anything, the weather changes on a dime. Accurate weather forecasting does not happen here. It was sprinkling again and the sun was trying to shine when we made it to this stop.

Due to the rain, we opted to skip our scheduled rafting trip down the Bow River, so we headed back to Canmore for dessert instead. The thousand calories I consumed at lunch was not enough. We picked up the traditional Beaver Tail and I’m pissed that it took me five days to agree to give it a try. 

I mean who wouldn’t like fried dough brushed with butter and sugar? I’m going back and I might even bring some on the plane. 

The sun came back out, so we took the long way home following the boardwalk in Canmore through the marsh. Canmore is quaint and perfect. I love it because everybody else loves Banff more.

We are in early tonight for laundry, Vol baseball, and the Mavs game. Another great day in beautiful Alberta. 

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