Sunday, November 6, 2022

State Tournament - Semi-Finals

Keagan woke up stiff and sore, but he was determined to play. He was placed in the starting lineup for today’s semi-final state tournament game, took the field in uniform for introductions,


and then within a minute of game time, he changed back into warm up gear and sat on the bench. Coach decided to save his knee. At half, we were up by one goal. Keagan was still in warmups.

With half an hour left in the game, our outside back earned the team’s second red card. There was no choice; Keagan had to go in now. We played down the rest of the game with 8 field players. 

It was a tough on-the-edge-of-your-seat kinda game. I was a nervous wreck! But we came away with the win! 

Because of the reds, we have two players ineligible to play in Saturday’s championship game. Keagan will have to play all of our next game and will have to be as healthy as possible to play in the toughest game yet. 

It was a noble effort on Keagan’s part. It was clear he was in pain, and yet he was running as hard as he could trying to get in the offense and trying to keep the opposing team from getting that coveted goal. His smart move in the last minute to pull the offense offsides kept PWYS from an attempt at scoring. Thankfully the line ref caught it. 

When the final whistle blew, Keagan collapsed onto the grass with relief. They did it! The team is headed to the state championship game! The fam will all be there to watch it happen next Saturday. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Keagan. Praying for a healthy knee and a great win next week. Love you..Nonnie and Grandaddy.
