Monday, November 21, 2022

Home for the Holiday

Evan is home all week for Thanksgiving break. I love to have him home, and I’m never happier to go grocery shopping than when I know my house will be full again. I always stock up on milk, apples, chips, and cuties when I know he’s headed home. I seem to have forgotten how much he eats, though.

Last night I made tonight’s dinner: homemade mac and cheese and a pan of meatloaf. I left it out to cool, and I walked into the kitchen half an hour later to find half of it gone! Monday night we had to have the only thing left in the fridge that’s not for Thursday’s meal: chicken strips.

I overheard this conversation between the brothers tonight.

Evan: These apples are fire.
Keagan: Hands off. Those go in my lunch. 
Evan: I ate three today. Good thing it's a short week.

Looks like I am going grocery shopping again tomorrow.

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