Saturday, November 5, 2022

State Tournament - Quarter Finals

The travel ball state tournament begins today. We have anticipated this tournament since our early and unexpected departure from the tournament last year. We can’t think about it, even today, without getting mad. Keagan has wanted to play in the state final since we arrived in Tennessee, and he’s wanted to win the title since his brother has come home with three state wins. We hope, and I’ll just say banking on, this year being Keagan’s year.

In the pouring rain, we played in the quarterfinals game against a team from Smyrna. Keagan started at right back but was quickly moved to left back. Within minutes of the move, he was fouled and launched into the air. I really thought he wasn’t getting up, but he did and continued to play. I don’t know how, but I’m guessing the adrenaline was pumping too much for him to feel anything, 

We won 5-0 and advance to tomorrow’s semi-final game. 

#32 will probably need to rest his knee tomorrow after playing a full game today, but he’s playing. That’s a another knee-miracle in my book. 

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