Sunday, October 23, 2022

UTK Homecoming

It’s homecoming week at UTK. The fountain water is orange and the pledges are busy pomping getting that float ready for the parade. Evan was relieved to have no responsibility for any decorations beyond teaching others how to pomp. 

This year’s theme is Salute to Smokey. Smokey X will retire this year, and his son, Smokey XI, will soon take his place on campus. 

We had a big win at today’s game, but it was all a bit anticlimactic after last week’s win. 

AGR won first place in the annual homecoming competition. Here’s the winning float:

Evan texted me at 7:12 this morning and told me to call when I was free. My first thought was “He’s in jail after celebrating that homecoming win with champagne showers.” I put off calling him for an hour to make sure I was as calm as possible when he delivered the news. As it turns out, he was up early studying trying to get his work done so he could watch the Cowboys game. 

Never have I have ever been more relieved. 

I see this pic and think Evan needs his great-grandpa Cody’s cowboy hat to finish the look. Who would have thought?

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