Monday, October 31, 2022

The Biggest Day of the Year - 15 Years Ago

Fifteen years ago Halloween was the best day of the year. The excitement of choosing a costume, trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, walking down dark streets with flashlights, and the candy! Oh, the candy! It was always so exciting for my boys. I used to wonder how they got so amped up about something that, as a kid, I never found very much fun. But just a few short years ago, the boys picked out costumes in September and wore holes in them before Halloween night. They typically choose super hero costumes and used their imaginations to play out scenarios that always had them saving the day.

Now they go to questionable Halloween parties on a Saturday night with their girlfriends. They return home in the wee hours when the party gets “out of hand.” 

They find costumes that shock instead of impress - like the Hugh Hefner look here - and take pics downtown at 3:00am.

Oh, for a time machine to take me back to 2007! But in all fairness I’m actually loving being in my bed at 7:00 with a book in my hand. I remember wishing and needing that so badly in 2007. And now I have it - just not with my superheroes. 

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