Friday, June 3, 2022

Firsts of Lasts

The first of lasts is already beginning. Senior year is here! This past week we had travel tryouts, the last one for either of my boys to attend. After 15 years, I’m relieved the first week of June in 2023 will not be blocked off on the family calendar with the words “Travel Ball Tryouts.” 

I’ve taken the boys to countless tryouts. The drive in rush hour traffic, the politics of club ball, the waiting game, the doubt, the stress of waiting for offers, the hurt feelings, then the relief of getting that coveted phone call. The first week of June is always stressful for us. I’ve done this so many times it is considered a family tradition like Easter ham and Christmas Eve church service. Why would this year be any different? To add even more angst to the week long process, Keagan decided to switch clubs this year. 

This season, his last season of travel ball, he has a new coach, a new team, and a new club. Here’s to no more club ball tryouts! Instead, let’s replace it with the even more stressful process of attending tryouts in front of college coaches. 😬

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