Saturday, June 25, 2022

Last Day in Lima

Our final day in Peru took us to Lima. We took a boat out of the Amazon, a bus to the airport, and two planes to finally arrive in Lima. 

The Peruvians typically eat the biggest meal of the day at 2:00. Today was no exception. We had a quinoa salad and sea bass. It was excellent! And the view was spectacular; it overlooked a pre-Incan pyramid that dated 200 years after Christ. It was discovered after people began motor crossing over it in the 1960s.

We drove along the coast in the beautiful Miraflores district where locals were surfing, playing soccer, paragliding, and shopping at the mall that opens up to the beach. We stopped here to buy local goods, (coconut candy, chocolate. coffee, and quinoa) to take back home. 

Our last stop was at a beautiful archaeological museum, Museo Larco.

This museum showcased a mummy, our guide taught us the significance of various pottery styles, and we awed over this beautiful headdress. 

It’s time to go home. We have loved this trip, but we (some more than others) miss our own beds, Sports Center, Diet Dr Pepper, and Ryker. 

We now have 8 hours of plane rides ahead of us. We are armed with Bonine and Melatonin in hopes of sleeping on the planes. 

Thanks, Peru, for a fantastic week! 

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