Sunday, June 19, 2022


After a canceled flight to Miami and then a new flight itinerary that handed us an overnight flight to Peru, we finally arrived in Lima at 6:15 this morning. It took us two hours to get through customs, and when we finally made it to the exit, there was no bus waiting to whisk us away to our hotel. We were exhausted, thirsty, and hungry; this was not a great start for a highly anticipated, long-awaited vacation week. 

Our travel woes were almost forgotten once we were able to shower and change clothes. For lunch we had traditional Peruvian meals and pisco sours in the Miraflores section of town. One drink and my mood had considerably improved! This area of Lima is very clean, modern, and the parks are home to hundreds of cats. 

The park area was filled with Incan women wearing bright clothing and attempting to sell homemade goods. This lady was selling dolls. 

When we arrived, mass was in session at Iglesia de Virgin Milagrosa; we could see through the open doors and the altar was spectacular. I wish I had pictures. 

We then headed into downtown Lima to tour The San Francisco Church / museum and its catacombs. This area of town was bustling with people and filled with history. 

The catacombs hold the mass graves of 25,000 people. In some areas the bones are organized by body part and in others they are on display like below. Keagan was not a fan of this. 

We also toured The Santo Domingo Convent and saw the hand-made tiles that dated to 1406

and walked through The Plaza of Arms, the busy city center. Families were celebrating Father’s Day with music, entertainment, ice cream, and dinner.

We need sleep because tomorrow’s flight leaves at 0700 and the alarm sounds at 0430! 

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