Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Great news! Evan took two of the hardest classes for freshmen this past semester.  He attended study sessions, tutoring, and office hours. He crammed for tests and did every page of the homework in the workbook; all of his hard work paid off! He conquered the dreaded chem class, he mastered the hated calculus class, and he made the Dean’s list again this semester. 

He is in week two of his internship at a local physical therapy office. He works four hours a day. After his first day, he texted me this:

"This internship is literally going to teach me more about kinesiology in a summer than my whole undergrad, easily."

Look at how professional he is! This is important because we attended a grad party Friday night, and he went in sweat pants with a rip in the butt. He left the house yesterday in a shirt with two holes in the front. We went round and round about it, so it pleases me to see he can dress appropriately when it matters the most! 

On the weekends, he is reffing 3v3 soccer tournaments. He’s still finding plenty of time to swim, fish, and hang out with friends. 

I’m so proud of him! 

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