Evan completed his last final today at 3:00 and he’s now officially classified as a sophomore. What a year! There are so many great things that have happened in his first year away at college: his Christian fraternity / small group, rush/pledgeship with AGR, successful SEC sports seasons, intramurals, living in a dorm (although he might find that questionable), Dean’s list, and making new friends. It’s so wonderful to watch your teen launch, be happy, and find success - even if they come home with questionable booty cut-off shorts and baseball hats with “Daddy” on the crown.

He’s now home with us for the entire summer, and I’m so happy to have him back (even if he doubles our grocery bill and keeps his room a complete unorganized mess). He begins his internship with a local physical therapist on Monday. He’s working part-time at a place yet to be identified (this means he has no job yet but he promises to find something), and there will be plenty of this in the coming months!

Keagan is the happiest to have him home.
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