Sunday, January 23, 2022

Soccer in the Sunshine State

Keagan played soccer in the sunshine state this weekend, but sadly, we encountered no sunshine. The cold weather followed us from Tennessee to Florida, and I had to kiss good-bye any hope of returning home sun-kissed. However, true to form our weekend of soccer turned into an adventure. This trip included toll roads - expensive toll roads. Keagan knows why they exist; I now know “exact change” means exact coins, and we know we should always take the lane that says “change needed.” It will be a miracle if I don’t get fined this week for stuffing a dollar in the coin filter. Lesson learned.

We played Long Island on Friday and came away with a 2-1 win. We were playing next to lagoons, ponds, and creeks. I had to wonder how many alligators were lurking in the water, and this freaked me out a bit. So I made a concerted effort to look up. This was my view. 

On Saturday we were up early to play Florida. We should have won, but we came up short by a goal after kicking the ball into the hands of their goalie no less than 16 times. 

And today we beat Maryland 3-1 - after the game was delayed due to an ibis on the field. I can’t say that has ever happened to us before. 

The boys met this weekend representing four different teams to play together in the tournament. Keagan didn’t even know all of the players’ names until today, and yet, the boys melded their skills and played great soccer. 

We flew back home today and to the reality of laundry and algebra. Keagan’s knee is swollen, his feet are bleeding, and his muscles are stiff. He’s in recovery mode and will spend the next few days getting caught up with schoolwork. I’m going to pray the Florida Highway department will understand this Tennessee gal had only honest intentions when learning the toll system. 

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