Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hello 2022

In many ways 2021 was much like 2020 - especially as it pertains to the pandemic. It also included new variants and vaccine mandates. After two years, we are all so weary of Covid and the constant shifts it brings to living with a sense of normalcy. Time continued, though, life still happened, and 2021 took us to new places, new jobs, and new experiences. 

Evan graduated from high school, successfully completed a semester in college, rushed and pledged AGR, and learned how to study. Really study. 

Keagan toured dozens of college campuses, won the MVP award for his high school soccer team, took the ACT two more times (improved his score every time), and delved deeper into the recruiting process. 

Kacey started a new assignment at the same school as an interventionist, was named as a state finalist for an excellence in teaching award, and completed a dri-triathlon. 

Wes created a music room in the bonus room, mastered new songs on his guitar, and provided the evidence to win a big case at work. 

In short, 2021 brought our family many reasons to celebrate! I hope 2022 brings us continued good health and a trip to Peru. And if I want to push my luck, I’ll be happy to put away all of my masks, too. 

Hello, 2022! Be good to us! 

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