Thursday, January 6, 2022

Snow Day ❄️☃️🌨

I told all of my students yesterday to put a white crayon in the windowsill, flush ice cubes, and wear their pajamas inside out if they wanted snow. They must have listened because we have snow - and it is sticking! The whole city and post have shut down; we are at home today with our first snow day.

Evan returned from the Chi Alpha campus ministry retreat yesterday afternoon just in time to avoid the rush to get bread and milk. 

Keagan’s weekend trip to Charlotte to play in a showcase tournament was canceled last night. Keagan still wanted to play some footie. Evan obliged.

Dirk trained while playing a saxophone; Keagan improves his defensive skills with the assistance of the dog. 

By the end of the day, some parts of Clarksville saw 7 and 8 inches of light, fluffy snow. My trusty measurements only showed 5.5 inches. 

We are eating fresh snow cream and wishing it was coquito. 

I’m flushing more ice cubes tonight in the hope for a four day weekend! I have more of a whole lot of nothing to do. 

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