Monday, January 31, 2022


A few months ago, our side of the church was labeled “social distancing” side. If you wanted people to stay six feet away due to health reasons or vaccination status, then you sat on our side. We continued to sit in our same pew, not because we were scared of getting Covid, but because we like our space. We don’t share a pew with anyone. In fact, all four of us can stretch out and fill a pew. We do it every week and prefer it that way. I was never more thankful for our social distancing than today. 

This week’s sermon topic was Psalm 51 and the forgiveness of sin. In the middle of the sermon, just as the pastor paused for emphasis, Keagan’s right nostril began to gush blood. While the building was in complete silence, I hear Keagan say, “Oh, $hit!” Wes and Keagan jumped up to make a run for the bathroom. It took a good ten minutes to get it to slow down and then to clean up the bathroom sink. Too embarrassed to return to the sanctuary with toilet paper plugging his nostril, the boys sat in the truck during the invitation and the closing prayer. While they were hidden away in the confines of the bathroom, all I could think is, “Did someone hear that?” I began looking in every direction noting we were safely tucked between senior citizens with (I hope) limited hearing and two rows away on either side. I’ve never been happier to be social distanced. On the off chance they did hear the bad word, I hope they took note of the pastor’s sermon and practiced it on the spot.

Keagan went to school today with a roll of paper towels because everybody knows those brown paper towels in the bathroom aren’t absorbing a darn thing. 

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