Monday, January 31, 2022


A few months ago, our side of the church was labeled “social distancing” side. If you wanted people to stay six feet away due to health reasons or vaccination status, then you sat on our side. We continued to sit in our same pew, not because we were scared of getting Covid, but because we like our space. We don’t share a pew with anyone. In fact, all four of us can stretch out and fill a pew. We do it every week and prefer it that way. I was never more thankful for our social distancing than today. 

This week’s sermon topic was Psalm 51 and the forgiveness of sin. In the middle of the sermon, just as the pastor paused for emphasis, Keagan’s right nostril began to gush blood. While the building was in complete silence, I hear Keagan say, “Oh, $hit!” Wes and Keagan jumped up to make a run for the bathroom. It took a good ten minutes to get it to slow down and then to clean up the bathroom sink. Too embarrassed to return to the sanctuary with toilet paper plugging his nostril, the boys sat in the truck during the invitation and the closing prayer. While they were hidden away in the confines of the bathroom, all I could think is, “Did someone hear that?” I began looking in every direction noting we were safely tucked between senior citizens with (I hope) limited hearing and two rows away on either side. I’ve never been happier to be social distanced. On the off chance they did hear the bad word, I hope they took note of the pastor’s sermon and practiced it on the spot.

Keagan went to school today with a roll of paper towels because everybody knows those brown paper towels in the bathroom aren’t absorbing a darn thing. 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Soccer in the Sunshine State

Keagan played soccer in the sunshine state this weekend, but sadly, we encountered no sunshine. The cold weather followed us from Tennessee to Florida, and I had to kiss good-bye any hope of returning home sun-kissed. However, true to form our weekend of soccer turned into an adventure. This trip included toll roads - expensive toll roads. Keagan knows why they exist; I now know “exact change” means exact coins, and we know we should always take the lane that says “change needed.” It will be a miracle if I don’t get fined this week for stuffing a dollar in the coin filter. Lesson learned.

We played Long Island on Friday and came away with a 2-1 win. We were playing next to lagoons, ponds, and creeks. I had to wonder how many alligators were lurking in the water, and this freaked me out a bit. So I made a concerted effort to look up. This was my view. 

On Saturday we were up early to play Florida. We should have won, but we came up short by a goal after kicking the ball into the hands of their goalie no less than 16 times. 

And today we beat Maryland 3-1 - after the game was delayed due to an ibis on the field. I can’t say that has ever happened to us before. 

The boys met this weekend representing four different teams to play together in the tournament. Keagan didn’t even know all of the players’ names until today, and yet, the boys melded their skills and played great soccer. 

We flew back home today and to the reality of laundry and algebra. Keagan’s knee is swollen, his feet are bleeding, and his muscles are stiff. He’s in recovery mode and will spend the next few days getting caught up with schoolwork. I’m going to pray the Florida Highway department will understand this Tennessee gal had only honest intentions when learning the toll system. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wild Side

It’s a school night, and I’m at the Vol and Vandy basketball game. When I got the text from Evan today asking if I wanted to go, I couldn’t say no. It’s my last opportunity to spend time with him before he leaves for school, so this one night, I’m living life on the wild side! Who needs eight hours of sleep? 

We had great seats - even if our heads touched the ceiling. 

The best part? Our team left the court with the win! What a fun game to see! 

Caffeine will be my friend when my alarm goes off at 5:30.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Dean’s List 🎉

If you have a five year old that tries to trick the teacher into thinking he can’t read because he “doesn’t want to read big words,” there’s hope.

If you have a middle schooler who puts his head down and sleeps during the math placement test because he “doesn’t want hard math,” there’s hope. 

If you have a high schooler who doesn’t study because he is “going to college with a test score of 85 or 100 and will sit next to the salutatorian who wasted four years stressing over grades for no reason,” there’s hope. 

I just wanted him to pass, and he exceeded my expectations by making the dean’s list. So much for dropping out of college to be a plumber.

I’m so proud of him!

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Snow Day ❄️☃️🌨

I told all of my students yesterday to put a white crayon in the windowsill, flush ice cubes, and wear their pajamas inside out if they wanted snow. They must have listened because we have snow - and it is sticking! The whole city and post have shut down; we are at home today with our first snow day.

Evan returned from the Chi Alpha campus ministry retreat yesterday afternoon just in time to avoid the rush to get bread and milk. 

Keagan’s weekend trip to Charlotte to play in a showcase tournament was canceled last night. Keagan still wanted to play some footie. Evan obliged.

Dirk trained while playing a saxophone; Keagan improves his defensive skills with the assistance of the dog. 

By the end of the day, some parts of Clarksville saw 7 and 8 inches of light, fluffy snow. My trusty measurements only showed 5.5 inches. 

We are eating fresh snow cream and wishing it was coquito. 

I’m flushing more ice cubes tonight in the hope for a four day weekend! I have more of a whole lot of nothing to do. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hello 2022

In many ways 2021 was much like 2020 - especially as it pertains to the pandemic. It also included new variants and vaccine mandates. After two years, we are all so weary of Covid and the constant shifts it brings to living with a sense of normalcy. Time continued, though, life still happened, and 2021 took us to new places, new jobs, and new experiences. 

Evan graduated from high school, successfully completed a semester in college, rushed and pledged AGR, and learned how to study. Really study. 

Keagan toured dozens of college campuses, won the MVP award for his high school soccer team, took the ACT two more times (improved his score every time), and delved deeper into the recruiting process. 

Kacey started a new assignment at the same school as an interventionist, was named as a state finalist for an excellence in teaching award, and completed a dri-triathlon. 

Wes created a music room in the bonus room, mastered new songs on his guitar, and provided the evidence to win a big case at work. 

In short, 2021 brought our family many reasons to celebrate! I hope 2022 brings us continued good health and a trip to Peru. And if I want to push my luck, I’ll be happy to put away all of my masks, too. 

Hello, 2022! Be good to us!