Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Game in Pictures

Tuesday night’s game in pictures.

I love how he still plays with his tongue out like he did when he was five! 

Our keeper missed a PK shot that was awarded after Evan was called for a foul (horrible call) in the box. Keagan went straight to him, patted him on the back, and encouraged him to keep his head high. This! This is what I love most about sports. Teamwork. Brotherhood. Selflessness.

Seeing this picture of them playing together makes me miss last year something awful. I was robbed of so many memories that could have been. 

This may be my favorite shot. Keagan dropped back so Evan could carry the ball. 

Evan can head the ball like no one else. 

Oh, happy night! Senior recognition and a big win! I wish I had a picture of Evan celebrating the win!

1 comment:

  1. Wish we could have been there..THOSE Toole boys shined.
