Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Soccer Senior Night

We played a big game tonight. We knew the winner would take first place in district, and we came out on top with a score of 4-3. I have never seen Evan so hyped or so excited to win a game - not even the reactions after winning either of the two state titles compare. 

Evan’s best friend Alex and the family came out to cheer him on. I may have converted them to soccer fans.

Oma and Opa made the long drive yesterday to Tennessee and turn around to drive back home to Texas tomorrow. They say the game, the win, were worth the drive.

These two are the absolute best! Chris is such a good friend to Evan. He keeps us all laughing.

I missed getting a pic with the Baylors, but they, too, were in the stands cheering for Evan. Even with such a big cheering section, I still made all the noise. After 14 years of soccer, some things are still the same. 

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