Saturday, April 24, 2021

Senior Prom

Makinley’s high school hosted prom tonight at a local venue. While Makinley had her nails and hair done, Evan and I spent the afternoon at the NSC game. (I’ve never been more grateful to be a boy mom.) It rained all day long and ruined our plans for beautiful pictures at the country club. However, we had a 15 minute break in rain where we were able to get a couple of pics at the club house. Dinner plans were reserved at a local steak house, and Evan has been looking forward to dinner all week. 

My friend called me tonight and said, “Your teen looks like a 30 year old man!” Perhaps, but he’s still my baby boy. 

1 comment:

  1. Precious of our first grandson...and his date..Handsome and beautiful. I hope you had fun Evan. Love you..Nonnie
