Saturday, November 7, 2020

State Quarter Finals

Today was the first day of the long awaited state tournament. My parents made the trip fully realizing this might be the last time they get to see Evan play soccer. 

Last year Keagan’s team was the eighth seed and had a heartbreaking loss after almost upsetting the top team in the state. It was a game of pure heart and a game that we have anxiously awaited all season so we can have a re-do. This year our team went in as the fourth seed and played an inner club team in the quarter finals round.

Keagan had an amazing bicycle kick / save / a move unnamed in the second half that cleared a ball just inches from the goal line. It was an amazing save!

You can’t hear me yell, “That’s my baby!” in the video, but I promise I did - a total of three times - just in case anyone didn’t know that was my kid. We won 2-0 and advance to tomorrow’s semi-final game. We are getting that re-do we have wanted for more than a year. 

Last year Evan’s team didn’t even make it to state. It was a less than stellar season. It was a season full of regrets! This year his team made it to state, and they went in the state tourney as the second seed. They won today’s game 8-0 and progress to tomorrow’s semifinal game. (Unfortunately his game was a night game so I have no good pics.)

This is the most exciting time of the year for me! I’m hoping for two big wins again today! Let’s Go TSC 04 Nashville and 02 NUSA Maroon!