Tuesday, November 3, 2020

First Time Voter

What a wonderful presidential election to be apart of this year! People are reporting to the polls in historical numbers. More people are involved in politics this year than in any recent election, and Evan got to cast his first vote. He was in line at 7:30 with a mug of coffee and ready to make his voice heard. 

Even at an early hour, the line was already around the building. The wait was, at that time, about an hour long. He texted me, “I now understand why people elect to early vote.” 

I asked him if anyone rang the bell when he checked in, and he said they were hootin’ and hollerin’ for him instead. It all brought a tear to my eye. How lucky we are to live in this great country that celebrates young, first-time voters!

He’s been glued to the tv since 6:00 watching the votes come in. This is almost as great as draft day - almost!

Edit: he’s now wishing a losing season for Georgia football and a hurricane to leave mass destruction in blue counties. He’s slightly unhappy with today’s announcement that Biden and Harris have won. Meanwhile, I am thrilled. 

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