and prayer which is always led by the team captain - my baby boy.

The center backs and goalies have given up no goals this tournament after a final score today of 4-0.

Evan and teammates return next Saturday for the championship. I cannot wait to see these boys bring it home.
We quickly got on top of the scoreboard with a PK shot by Keagan. I said a quick prayer of my own when Keagan motioned he had the kick. It went something like, “Sweet Mother of Jesus, I can’t watch.”
You can hear me AND Evan cheer when this went in.
We were officially beating the #1 team in the state for about 25 minutes, and then we weren’t any more. We were eliminated after a final score of 1-4.
Evan’s team dominated their semi-final game.
The center backs and goalies have given up no goals this tournament after a final score today of 4-0.
Evan and teammates return next Saturday for the championship. I cannot wait to see these boys bring it home.
WTG Toole boys. hope for a win next Saturday for NUSA!