Friday, June 19, 2020

This Week in Home Renovation

Today Evan and his girlfriend drove to Indiana to spend the day at an amusement park - the first to reopen in our area. They were up at 0630, bought their tickets online for a discount, packed their lunches to save money, and took her car because it gets better gas mileage. These are adult decisions made by two 17 year olds. If you have a 13 year old who gets in the car without shoes and you wonder how he will ever be successful in life, then I’m here to tell you there is hope! 

Meanwhile, the construction team got the new tub and surround installed in Keagan’s bathroom. It was delayed due to bad plumbing and then an uneven floor. The two day job turned into four.

Keagan is excited to be able to sleep in his own bed tonight because no one will be in his room at 0800 drilling or cutting tile. They will be back Monday, though, to finish up caulk work and install the shower head. Wes and I are painting the walls a greige color tomorrow afternoon. Then we just wait for the vanity to ship. It’s all coming together just as I envisioned. 

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