Sunday, June 28, 2020

Down on the River

After church this morning, we spent the afternoon at The Narrows of the Harpeth. We hiked to the top of the overlook for a beautiful view.  

To Wes’s great dismay, the kiddos literally sat on the edge of the precipice. 

Climbing back down was easier than going up, but we had to hike our way back up on the second trail that took us to a small waterfall. We skipped rocks, got in the water to cool off, and climbed to the top of the waterfall. 

After stopping at the creamery for double scoops of ice cream, we are headed home before the storm hits. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh how fun...and I am with Wes..I gasped when I saw they were on the overhang..yikes..
