Sunday, January 21, 2018

Weekend Sports Update

Basketball season came to a close today for Keagan’s middle school team. They lost in round one of the district playoffs. I’m not sure I want to commemorate a losing season, but one day the losses will mean nothing and we will remember middle school basketball with fondness.

At least seeing the boys dressed like this on game days will be remembered with fondness.

We only won three games the entire season, so losing by six to the second seed was actually quite the accomplishment. Keagan assured me next year is the year. He said that this year, though, too.

He won’t let anyone forget he started as a seventh grader and was the only seventh grader to get any playing time in varsity games. 

Meanwhile, Evan and I were in Atlanta for a soccer showcase tournament. We had the privilege of playing at a complex that can best be described as the Mecca of Soccer Complexes. We played some fairly good teams, and we still came home with two wins. I might also mention it was cold - especially when you arrive at the fields prior to the sunrise.

We also ran into some of our soccer friends from Georgia. Catching up with friends, and soccer friends at that, always makes for a great weekend!

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