Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Snow Day - Take Two

We’ve been in the house since Thursday night with only a brief reprieve on Sun afternoon and Mon afternoon. I’ve cooked six dinners, four breakfasts, two batches of cookies, and countless mugs of hot cocoa. I’ve read books, created 18 months worth of scrapbooking times 2 boys, and washed everything in my house. I’be helped Keagan study for a cell test and Evan prepare for his driving permit test. I’ve watched all of season two of This is Us, and I’ve read every travel article on Iceland. 

Last night, our two inches of snow turned into five. I have a million things I could be doing outside of the house today,  but I’m not because everything is closed. 

The boys have played in the snow - but not nearly as much as they did two years ago at the last big snow. 

Just got the call. Snow day #3 is tomorrow. Whatever will I do stuck in the house one more day?

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